I think of the rainbow babes like this... the rainbow after the storm of sorrow. We are suffering through the storm of sorrow when the universe lets up on the storm and we get a reprise in our sorrow, there is a RAINBOW. They do not "undo" or erase the storm they just make the enduring the storm a little more hopeful. Chris~ Mommy to ^Lucy^ & Danger

Friday, December 26, 2008


I added a picture and a quote from a fellow deadbabymama about what a rainbow baby means. I think the picture and her explanation go together. I don't know when I will get my rainbow, but I wont give up until I do. And when the time does come it will be as if the little life growing inside of me is the rainbow amidst the storm that is my life. So I am going to try my best and see the positive and good rather than focusing on the storm that is swilling around me everyday. So may there be a little bit of light in a dark, stormy world for each one of us.


missing_one said...

Your hope is so beautiful, just like the rainbow.
Thank you for sharing this!

I hope you get your rainbow soon

Cara said...

Amanda - your story simply astounds me. Living that kind of loss with two late term babies seems cruel, even for this fateful universe.

I am so glad you clicked over to my blog and I was able to read yours. My heart breaks for you as you grap onto hope within your storm.

many hugs! Email me any time. I feel a connection with all dbm's but you are a mother of an Emma. That is special!

A&J said...

Amanda - When you get a chance, please email me. I have something encouraging to share with you.
I just don't have your email to give it to you.
grecopros at comcast dot net